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Dawn Chorus Lawn Woods, High Street, Old Town SN1 3EN 5.30am!
Michael McCarthy On spring in the time of coronavirus. 12.30pm
Eileen Jones On how parkrun has changed lives. 2pm
Anita Sethi On a journey of reclamation in a natural landscape of England. 6pm
Sam Lee With stories of a special songbird. 7.30pm
Melanie Challenger On How to Be Animal. 12midday
Candle Magic A writing workshop on candles and magic. 6pm LIVE ONLINE
Blake Morrison On the role of Literature today. 6.30pm
Jasper Fforde On how it could take a rabbit to teach a human, humanity. 8pm

Lennie Goodings On four decades of groundbreaking publishing. 12midday
Mike Pringle On a unique vision of our natural world. 2pm
Jon McGregor On Lean, Fall, Stand, in conversation with Sara-Jane Arbury. 4pm
Ella Al-Shamahi On hugs, handshakes, and pressing the flesh. 5pm
Catherine Okoronkwo With a compelling mix of poetry and prose. 6pm
Megan Nolan On Acts of Desperation, in conversation with Allie Brown. 7pm
Natalie Haynes On remarkable women at the heart of Greek myths. 8pm
Kevin Toolis On the eternal challenge of mortality. 9pm
Miranda Sawyer On the role of radio today. 12midday
Dream Adventures Guided visualisation plus the power of dreams. 6pm LIVE ONLINE
Rachel Clarke With a love letter to life. 6.30pm
Tony Hillier On community poetry and Swindon Diamonds. 7pm LIVE ONLINE
Simon May On one family's story of exile and belonging. 8pm

Rowan Williams On Looking East in Winter. 12midday LIVE ONLINE
The Bruderhof Another Life is Possible. 2pm
Ollivier Pourriol On The French art of not trying too hard. 6pm
Anthony Costello On the power of sympathy groups. 8pm LIVE ONLINE
Circus Skills & Discoveries A new circus-science show. 10am
Tishani Doshi With poems that span time and continents. 11am
Sally Bayley With a story of Shakespeare and a family's missing men. 12midday LIVE ONLINE
Festival Writing Workshop With Victoria Gosling. 2-4pm LIVE ONLINE
Paddy Fitzpatrick & Lee Simpson On life and learning, on the inside of boxing. 5pm
John Gimlette On fantastical landscapes, beguiling creatures, and isolated tribes. 6pm
Richard Durrant In concert, with Sumer Is Icumen In. 7pm LIVE ONLINE

Circus Skills & Discoveries A new circus-science show. 10am
Liz Hyder On Bearmouth, in conversation with Sara-Jane Arbury. 10.30am
Adharanand Finn On how to run, run, as far as you can. 11am LIVE ONLINE
Zoom Boom Games With Darine Flanagan. 12midday LIVE ONLINE
Suffering for your art Poetry-writing workshop with Sara-Jane Arbury. 2pm LIVE ONLINE
Claudia Hammond On The Art of Rest. 6pm
Where Magic Hides A fizzy ideas workshop for families. 6pm LIVE ONLINE
Richard Thompson On Beeswing: Fairport, Folk Rock, and finding his voice. 7pm
Sarah Yaseen With music, words, and more music, to embrace the world. 8pm
L'Appel du Vide Performed by Aimee Bennett and Rowen K, & filmed by Rowan Virgo. 8.30pm
Round and About, in Swindon With the Farm Yard Circus. 9pm
Festival Finale final curtain . . . with words from its workers, and a distinctive sound. 9pm