SONIA CONTERA – on how Nano Comes to Life.
Arts Centre, Devizes Road, Swindon SN1 4BJ
Tel: 01793 524481
12.30pm ~ 15th May ~ £8 (£7)
What is nanoscale?
What do you know about the infinitesimal realm of proteins and DNA where physics and cellular and molecular biology meet?
Did you know that nanotechnologies are allowing us to manipulate the very building blocks of life and are poised to revolutionise medicine, to give us control over our own biology, our own health, and our own lives?
One of today’s leading nanopioneers, Sonia Contera, a professor in Biological Physics at the University of Oxford, has some answers.

LISTENING TO TREES – a poetry workshop with Dawn Gorman.
Richard Jefferies Museum, Marlborough Road, Swindon SN3 6AA
Tel 01793 979224
2pm ~ 15th May ~ £10 (£9)
Give yourself space to slow down and tune in to the wisdom and beauty of trees in this friendly, relaxed poetry writing workshop for all.
We’ll use as prompts work in the exhibition The Art of the Tree by the artist group The Arborealists, on display at the museum during the Swindon Spring Festival (see page 5). And perhaps the ancient mulberry tree will provide inspiration for us, as it did for nature writer Richard Jefferies, who has been called ‘the first and truest conservationist’.
The workshop is led by award-winning poet, arts practitioner and journalist Dawn Gorman. As well as being extensively published, Dawn's poems have been performed on radio, and read all around the world, from London to Bath, and New York to Swindon!

Some of the best feelings come when the body is in motion!
PETER LOVATT – on the secret to being stronger, smarter, and happier . . . through dance!
Court Theatre, Swindon Dance, Town Hall, Regent Circus
Swindon SN1 1QG
Tel: 01793 524481
7.30pm ~ 15th May ~ £10 (£9)
Are we born to dance? Can dance work wonders for us? Can it change the way we feel, think, and behave? Can it boost our self esteem and improve our health? Is dance crucial for a vital life and good relationships?
Any other questions?
Dancer, psychologist, and inspirational speaker, Dr Peter Lovatt is the author of The Dance Cure which delves deliciously into the key delights of dance and why it is a gift to body and soul.
With a cha cha here and a wiggle there, Dr Lovatt will share with us the reasons why dance is such a powerful tool for our brains and our bodies, and present a unique set of steps, combos, and dance routines to help us dance ourselves happy.