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Dawn Chorus - where the Festival begins!

Created by dawn sky and dewdrops, birdsong and beauty, minstrels and musicians, storytellers and circus skills, poets and performers, maypole dancers and mischief makers, and celebrated by them and you!

Lawn Woods, High Street, Old Town SN1 3EN

5.30am! ~ Monday 6th May ~ Free!


As the sun rises over sleeping Swindon, this all-weather outdoor event celebrates at least three things: the blessings bestowed on us by Nature; the start of this year’s Swindon Festival of Literature; and the launch of a brand-new Swindon Circus Festival.
Dawn Chorus stalwarts will be ready to welcome the rising sun in style. This year, an exciting variety of performers will put on a mesmerising show that celebrates the outdoors, the love of movement, and the joy of bringing people together.
Action begins at 5.30am, on the dot – a moment not to be missed! – and continues for a good hour or more.

Hot drinks for sale on site.

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SWINDON CIRCUS FESTIVAL – a one-day all-day outdoor circus and arts event with performances and workshops.


Lawn Woods, High Street Old Town SN1 3EN  Tel 01793 771080
10am to 6pm ~ 6th May ~ Pay-as-you-feel

Swindon Circus and Outdoor Arts Project (SCOAP) brings you the first edition of the Swindon Circus Festival.  
A day of being in a beautiful park with amazing shows, exciting workshops, and all-round good vibes! 
There will be acrobatics, aerial, comedy, workshops, and walkabout entertainment.

And there will be no fences, no turnstiles, and no tickets. All we ask is that attendees pay what they like to join us in lovely Lawn Woods and enjoy the circus shows and workshops. Everyone welcome!
For the detailed list of shows and workshops, event times, pay-as-you-feel information, and everything else, please go to the SCOAP website:
And you can keep up to date with all SCOAP goings on via Facebook and Instagram: @scoapuk


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Supported by:

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ROGER MORGAN-GRENVILLE- on restoring nature to farmland.

Waterstones Bookshop, 3 Canal Walk, Swindon  SN1 1LD
6.15pm ~ 6th May ~ £3
Tickets via or Tel 01793 436465


While producing necessary farm products to fill supermarket shelves, modern farming alas has a devastating effect on the wellbeing of wildlife. 
But there are ways of farming successfully that allow nature to thrive. 
Roger Morgan-Grenville, writer and speaker on conservation and biodiversity, describes how in The Return of the Grey Partridge his latest book, written with Edward Norfolk. 

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© 2022 Swindon Festival of Literature

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