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Dr CAROLINE CAMPBELL - on The Power of Art.

Presented in association with Friends of Museum & Art Swindon


Arts Centre, Devizes Road SN1 4BJ
Tel 01793 535534
12.30pm ~ 7th May ~ £8 (£7)

What has been and is the role of art, in the past, in the present, and in the future? What constitutes art? What does it do for a town and its people? What has made art so significant, so inspiring, and so provocative to some, and so irrelevant and meaningless to others? What is the future and role of art?
Former fellow of the Centre for Curatorial Leadership in New York and first female Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, Dr Caroline Campbell is passionate about widening public engagement with art, about which she has spoken to audiences around the world; and is author of newly-published The Power of Art.

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Presented in association with the Artswords Mum’s the Word Writing Group 

Lower Shaw Farm, Old Shaw Lane, West Swindon SN5 5PJ
Tel 01793 771080
7pm ~ 7th May ~ £5
Pay on the door

Here is a chance to join a friendly group of women interested in writing, to enjoy a reading, a chat, and a writing workshop with an award-winning writer, from Wiltshire! 
Estelle Phillips is the author of a poetry collection called Motherhoodlum, described by one reviewer as “beautifully brutal” and accepted into the collection of the National Poetry Library. Estelle has undertaken a writing residency with Florida’s Museum of Motherhood; her full-length multi-media show of nature stories, The Trapped Doe, recently made its debut in London; and she is presently writing a memoir.
NOTE. For the purposes of this group, being a ‘Mum’ includes birth-mums, foster-mums, stay-at-home mums, adoptive mums, working mums, grandma mums, and any women who are primary carers or guardians of a child. 

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© 2022 Swindon Festival of Literature

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